Gravity Linez

Gravity Linez

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Welcome to Gravity Linez game

Gravity Linez is a fun and engaging game to improve problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. Your task is to put the ball into the basket with just a single quick draw. Sounds easy, right? However, passing every level is not easy in this game.

Challenges in Gravity Linez game

When participating in the Gravity Linez game, players can encounter many different challenges that make the game more interesting and exciting. Here are some potential challenges you may encounter:

  • Complex Paths: As you progress in the game, the paths to the basket can become increasingly complex. You may need to draw curved, zigzag or spiral lines to successfully dribble the ball.
  • Gravity Change: The game may feature levels where gravity changes direction or intensity, affecting ball movement and requiring you to adjust your strategy.
  • Obstacles: The game may present obstacles that you need to move around or use to your advantage. These can include walls, voids, or moving objects such as bombs.
  • Only one draw: Grasping the path of the ball as it bounces high is very difficult while you only have one chance to put the ball in the basket. You need to be more observant and have quick reflexes to conquer every level in Gravity Linez.

how to play Gravity Linez?

Observe the position of the basketball and the net.

Left click to start drawing a line. Drag your cursor in any direction and a line will be drawn.

Make sure the falling ball lands safely on the line you have drawn and goes exactly into the basket to win.

For each level won, you win one point.

Tips for success

Keep it simple: Sometimes the shortest route is the best route.

Putting the ball into the highest basket will score more points.

Practice makes perfect: Each level presents a new challenge. Learn from each try and improve your skills!

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